Monday, May 13, 2013

Step one...literally

So where do you start? The first and easiest step is to get to stepping. Light cardio preferably fasted (done before eating in the morning) is the easiest way to begin burning extra fat and jump starting your healthy lifestyle. Just a few points about this before you go crazy and run out your hotel room door.

1. Why light cardio? Regardless of where you are in the world chances are you have access to either a treadmill, or even better the world outside. Gasp! Get out there and get moving. You'll feel better about your day, and your choice to change your lifestyle.

2. Notice where I said "light cardio?" That means actually non-panting, non-ass kicking light. You want to feel energized by your walk not beaten down. Start with 30 min 3 times a week before breakfast. If you want to be picky, and have access to a heart monitor, shoot for approx. 130 BPM (Beats per Min.) When your heart rate gets above the 130 point the body begins to respond differently to the stress and you get out of the "fat burning zone." Its much more complicated than that of course, but unless your interested in glycogen usage its not worth explaining now. I can explain if you want just drop me a line. Be prepared for actual science. I'm kind of a nerd.

3. Why no food first? Again short answer for much longer issue. Your body is in a glycogen depleted state early in the day and if you get your heart rate up before you eat something your body will find the energy it needs for your exercise from the fat already stored in your body. If you feed yourself first then your giving it access to "easy energy" an you wont be using those fat stores up. Again there is a lot more involved in this, and if your curious feel free to ask.

So there is step one. Go walk. On a treadmill (if you must) or outside if you can. Start with 30 min 3 times a week and work your way up to 5 or 6 times a week. Eat breakfast after the walk and don't try and challenge Usain Bolt along the way.

In case your curious the addition of fasted cardio is the first step in almost any exercise regimen for weight control. Its been a staple for the body building community for decades, and they use it cause it works. On a personal note it was the first thing I added on my road to weight loss. Its also been crucial to the plans of my clients.

If anything is confusing, or you just wanna know more about how this all works feel free to drop me a line. Have a great day, and get out there and train!

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. -Mahatma Gandhi

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