Monday, May 20, 2013

Most bang for your buck..

Been a couple of days since my last post. I've just finished up one gig in Norfolk and I'm headed to Texas for a couple of days off before the next one. I started this post at the airport at 5am, so forgive me if it seems like I can't speak English.

Like most people who try and balance travel with exercise I try to find the way to get in and out of the gym in the most efficient manner possible. I like my workouts to include lots of body parts and muscles so I can get in an get out quickly. I also try to have things I can do with little to no equipment in case I'm stuck in a horrible hotel for a while. Sometimes you can't even make due. These are the 5 exercise moves I do in all my traveling workouts regardless of equipment access. 

1) Squat - If you aren't squatting you aren't working out. Its that simple. Arguably the greatest single move you can do a proper squat uses your legs, back, abs...Basically everything from the neck down. Weighted or body weight they need to be in your workouts. Goblet squat, Back squat, Front squat...don't care just do them.  Quit making excuses why you can't do it and get to work. Not sure your doing it right? Google that sh*t. There are only a few thousand posts / videos out there. 

2) Pull up - Second verse same as the first. The pull up is the upper body version of the squat. It works your arms, back, abs, delts. You can change hand grips to hit different muscle groups. Want a great tapered V look to your upper body? Get to pulling. Admittedly they can be harder to do if your traveling, but spend the 20 bucks and get one of those collapsible bars your can hang from a door frame. They can hold my big ass they can hold you.

3) Planks - my favorite ab exercise is the plank. I'm not a fan of crunches. They are to easy to do wrong and I think they are honestly not had enough. Its hard to screw up a plank. Hold your body ruler straight and contract your abs. Hold till you start to shake and can't hold it anymore. Rest for less time than you think you need and do it again. If your not sweating in a minute or two your doing it wrong. Turn sideways to hit your obliques. Repeat. Try not to die.

4) Push up - The crown prince of upper body exercises. There are several alternative versions if regular push ups aren't hard enough anymore. My favorite is just to add a weighted vest. Throwing an extra 40lbs on your back before you start will humble you real quick. Not to mention remind you of all the weight you've lost and don't want back.

5) Jumping Jacks - Yup! You did them in 4th grade for a reason. Idiot proof and dead simple. You could do burpees instead, but I don't personally like what high rep burpees do to my knees. These are a great way to get your heart rate up and get the blood pumping. Throw a few dozen in between your sets of regular exercises at the gym next time. See if you don't start sucking wind real fast!

Hope that helps you with a place to start. Next time I'll talk about basic routines you can do while traveling. Travel safe and try and enjoy the trip as much as the destination.


PS The Starbucks line  was longer than the security line this morning...I can see where every ones priorities are at 5am.

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